For those parishes that are really serious about wanting to fulfill the true mission of making disciples, there is a question constantly before them. “How do we transform our parish from our current state of ineffectiveness into one that really makes disciples?”


Putting the Cart Before the Horse

My observations of parishes that are working hard to accomplish this task has yielded many valiant efforts in utilizing programs that have proven effective at reaching the hearts of parishioners. However, they appear to be tools within a vacuum. Needing to do something, they launch into the efforts of evangelizing their people. This is not a bad idea, as we have heard from our elders that evangelization is a critical first step.

However, the vast majority of parishioners who are “relatively” satisfied with coming to Mass and use the Church for social needs such as Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals have no understanding of the parish’s real purpose for existing. Thus, they are not buying into the leadership’s declaration of making disciples. The leadership is making a declaration and then watch the majority of the people not respond to the call.

Many good holy pastors are trying, but are finding a stiff necked people who don’t want to change. Why? They have no reason to.


Buying into the Vision

If I were a plumber and randomly showed up at your house, ready to tear into your walls to replace all the interior plumbing, you would immediately dismiss me as crazy. You would politely decline my offer and send me on my way. However, if you came home from work one day and found your house flooded, you would then have me return to do what I offered because it is no longer acceptable to live under the current circumstances.

What has changed?

Your perception of need. Before you had no perception of need but once you saw a problem you were ready to pay to resolve it.

Until our parishioners are convinced that the need is legitimate, they will not buy in. This is very much like building a new Church, only your asking your people to pay with something far more valuable than money – their lives!

There are several obstacles in the way that must be addressed so that you can get the people to buy in to the mission.

  1. Pray to identify and remove demonic strongholds that keep your parish sleeping. I see them in every parish I attend and most parishes don’t pay attention to their efforts.
  2. Provide a clear vision that not only articulates what you want to accomplish but WHY you must change course from the “same old approach.”
  3. Buy in from Pastor and all leadership of the parish is essential.
  4. Buy in from the parish core who are brought on board prior to the general parish communication.
  5. A parish-wide campaign to not only inform but solicit engagement.