I believe that “being a good person” has long become the hallmark of being a disciple. While being good is certainly a characteristic of a disciple, it falls short of the mark that is required to live authentically as a disciple.

When we examine why being good seems to have become the new “gold standard” for discipleship, we can see that it is what most people are striving for. To overcome their own sinful and disordered ways is always at the forefront of their minds.

However, if we don’t really know what a disciple is, then how do we make one? If we have no instructions or a model, how can we replicate the process? These are the current struggles plaguing parishes. They can’t even begin to address the question of how to make disciples because they can’t simply define what one is.

A Need For Simplicity

For the past year, I have been studying this exact question. I grabbed a pad of paper and began to list all the qualities, characteristics and capabilities of a disciple. After three pages, it became clear that I could never use this list as a serious tool for forming disciples.

Mother Mary constantly calls me to keep the message simple so that all can understand. So I began to examine my list and look for major themes that each element could be united with. My list of hundreds was now reduced to seven characteristics that can be acted upon and measured.

  1. They must have authentic faith in Jesus Christ. (They have Repented & Baptism = Died)
  2. Their hearts must be connected to the Holy Spirit. (Fruits & Gifts)
  3. They now live their lives in pursuit of God and His Kingdom. (Spiritual disciplines) (greater union with Jesus, through relationship with Holy Spirit)
  4. They strive to cast off sin and disordered worldly attachments. (Pursue Holiness & Ascetic life)(Develop Virtues)
  5. They are centered around the sacred Communion (Eucharist) that enables their nuptial union with Jesus. (Sacraments that dispose us to union)
  6. They are equipped for making new Disciples. (Trained in Evangelization, Discipleship Formation and all other training needed to lead others to Jesus)
  7. They allow the Holy Spirit to flow through them in their service to others. (Serve as the Spirit calls and empowers)(Increased Faith)

Once we have a good sense of what a disciple is, each of us and our parishes can examine whether we have these characteristics. Where we are lacking, we begin by asking to the Spirit to fashion those parts in us. Parishes can then begin to ask how we can  develop these in our parishioners.

Don’t Forget!!!

We are in the “Post Ascension” period of Salvation History – the time of the Holy Spirit. He has been sent to us to make us Disciples of Jesus. We must remember that He uses the Church to form Disciples, but HE makes them! Let us yield to the Spirit.